Sandy's Helping Hands doesn't receive grants or government funds to run our non-profit.
So how do we pay for the different projects that we do and needs we fill? First, we work very very hard at never wasting a dime. We pay for operating costs ourselves. Any money that is donated to us from our Sandy community, 100% is given back to local families in need.
We receive donation every quarter from Fred Meyers Rewards Cards and we use these funds for supplies needed to put on our free events for the community.
There are times when we have community members in need and we will post on our facebook page, and local community members may donate to that specific need.
Our goal is to promote neighbor helping neighbor, for all of us to just take care of each other in times of need. We have helped hundreds of seniors, families and local residents since our doors have opened.
Help us help the community
Donate today and help our neighbors in need!